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Glass Block

Glass Block Windows can add security, insulation value, and light to any room or basement.  Let MGD Glassworks come out and give you a free estimate on your glass block windows.  We have a variety of blocks to choose from.

At MGD Glassworks we build all of our glass block windows using only silicone, never mortar.  Then we install them with a polyurethane sealant.  We do this for a variety of reasons.

  • Over time, due to age and house settling, mortar will crack and crumble.  This can cause water leaks and even broken blocks.  Construction grade silicone will stay plyable throughout the years. 
  • More light.  Mortar will block some of the natural light coming from the outside.  Silicone, due to its translucency, will let more light in.

Example of a block window cracked from house settling






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