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European Shower Enclosures
Euro shower doors are the ultimate in bathroom beauty and elegance. The bathroom isn’t just another room these days, it is rapidly becoming a room to showcase. The main focal point is the shower or tub enclosure, so quality shower doors with a unique look can make all the difference. At MGD Glassworks, Inc., we can design, build, and install a euro shower door that will be the perfect finishing touch to your bathroom remodel.
The flexibility of Euro Showers offers the designer the ability to create a customized or personalized look to match the consumers tastes and needs. Each basic design can be customized to be an exact fit for the opening. Even if your supporting walls are uneven from top to bottom, we can make a Euro shower door that will fit perfectly. Designer options include glass types and colors, hardware finishes, and specialty accessories.
Without the need for frames, Euro shower doors have a look and feel that is unmatched by any other design. The use of 3/8" or 1/2" glass provides freestanding stability with a minimal amount of channeling, avoiding the need for intrusive metal frames. In short, Euro doors make your shower sleek and stylish!
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